CME's Message to Ontario Premier - Address Competitiveness Challenges

Members of Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters met with the Premier to develop solutions to grow manufacturing in Ontario - doubling it by 2030 as part of CME's Industrie 2030 roadmap and strategic plan. Key messages included the image, contribution and importance of manufacturing to Ontario and its economy, and the high costs of electricity and cap & trade. Ontario’s largest trading partner intends to revitalize manufacturing and Ontario needs to ensure we are positioned to compete grow in the increasingly competitive reality.
No other sector of the economy contributes more to our standard of living and quality of life than manufacturing. We as a Province need to do all we can to grow this important sector, which is so vital to our quality of life and standard of living. We are looking forward to working with the government to promote a more accurate and positive image of manufacturing. We want to celebrate and promote the success of manufacturing. However, its potential is limited with increasing costs and burdens that must be addressed.
We need to reduce the barriers that are holding us back, particularly high electricity prices and the costs associated with cap & trade. We appreciated the opportunity to highlight our position to the Premier, and we're calling for a plan to dramatically reduce electricity rates for industry. Increasing manufacturing output and capturing the resultant job and tax base benefits requires a more competitive business cost structure including a competitive industrial electricity rate. The best solution to address these growing challenges is through growth in manufacturing. This will only be achieved with a much more competitive industrial rate. We must implement short, medium and longer-term solutions that start with providing immediate relief. We support steps the government has taken, such as the expansion of the ICI Program, however, many manufacturers are unable to curtail consumption and utilize the ICI program and additional options are necessary.
CME members also talked to the Premier about the need to continue to streamline businesses interaction with the government to focus on the best outcomes for Ontarians at the lowest cost. This can only be achieved through authentic consultation with industry as early as possible in the process.
Ian Howcroft, Vice President, CME Ontario (